The Naval Historical Foundation’s new monthly Naval history program featuring presenters and topics you will want to make time for! Following in the wake of the Annual Meeting’s Leighton Lecture, “Hollywood and History in the Battle of the Atlantic,” (link to youtube site) we were heartened not only by Dr. Craig Symonds’ quality presentation, but with the membership’s lively engagement. We aspire to replicate this dynamic with our new “Second Saturday” series, which will be broadcast the second Saturday of every month at 11:00AM (EDT).
The inaugural program on July 11th brought back the Naval War College’s current Ernest J. King professor of Maritime History, Dr. Craig Symonds, for an encore performance to speak more on C.S. Forester and Horatio Hornblower in: Horatio Hornblower versus Jack Aubrey Speaking on behalf of Patrick O’Brian’s famed Captain Jack Aubrey will be none other than former Secretary of the Navy, the Honorable John Lehman.
A voracious consumer of the Patrick O’Brian series, Lehman, along with Symonds, analyzes and compares the narrative styles of Forester and O’Brian, as well as their subjects’ qualities that made them so appealing to millions of readers. Moderating our two discussants will be Dr. John Hattendorf, the Ernest J. King Professor Emeritus of Maritime History at the Naval War College, a gentleman quite conversant on the naval historical fiction genre in the age of sail.

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