A conference will be held at All Souls College, Oxford, 10-12th April 2014 to celebrate professor John B. Hattendorf’s leading contribution to naval history. For thirty years as the Ernest J. King Professor of Maritime History at the U.S. Naval War College, John Hattendorf has furthered historical understanding among Naval professionals and reinvigorated maritime scholarship. Reflecting the breadth of John Hattendorf’s historical perspective, this conference provides an opportunity for research students and recognized authorities to present the latest research in naval history that pushes traditional boundaries and asks innovative questions. The organizers seek to stimulate discussion between naval personnel and academics on the formulation and execution of strategy, the development of traditional and irregular naval tactics, and the influence of seapower in international relations. Additional topics might include finance, navalt heory, logistics, social history, shipbuilding, and the ‘fiscal-naval state’. Speakers will give papers of twenty minutes on their research followed by ten minutes of questions from the audience. Those wishing to present a paper should send a proposed title and abstract of no more than 300 words along with a one-page CV to the conference organizers at [email protected].
The deadline is 1 September 2013.
Visit the conference website for more information: www.oxfordnavalconference.co.uk