On the occasion of Vice Admiral John Mustin’s promotion and assumption of Command of the Navy Reserve, the Naval Historical Foundation is pleased to host another ‘Second Saturday’ Webinar at 11:00am (EDT) August 8:
“The Mustin Family and the Navy Reserve: A Thirteen Decade Legacy”
This webinar will feature dueling authors with NHF’s Dave Winkler discussing his book Ready Then, Ready Now, Always Ready — a centennial history of the Navy Reserve. Author John Morton will overview his book Mustin: a Naval Family of the 20th Century, which has been featured on the CNO Recommended Reading List for “Leadership and Management” – www.navy.mil/navydata/cno/reading.html

The two authors will look at the long and storied tradition of service by the Mustin family and the Navy Reserves.
Register for our FREE event today: